Wow, you're eight month birthday really sneaked up on me this morning. I was talking to you and said, "...and you're almost 8 months old!" Your Mama then corrected me. I can't believe how grown you look and act. Even dressing you tonight after your bath I marveled at how long you looked from head to toe. Your personality is really starting to take shape. You definitely know who your Mommy and Daddy are at first sight. You seem to always greet me with a smile...either when I'm coming into your room when you're waking up in the morning, or when I get to pick you up from daycare after being out of town for 3 days. I love how much you love both of us. I can't wait for you to be able to voice your feelings and show your emotions with even greater detail. This month you have mastered crawling. I've witnessed aggressive crawling, u-turn crawling, carpet crawling along with kitchen tile crawling, crib crawling, and even couch crawling. You don't seem to be afraid of too much. It's not enough for you to just pull up anymore. If you can pull up higher or further, you try to. You've accumulated a handful of bumps and bruises, but yet, you aren't phased. I admire that about you, and even at eight months old, I'm envying your character traits. I can't wait to see all that you will teach me. I've always loved to teach or train others. I hope you have that same love and continue to teach me all that you can. Because you better believe that I will teach you every single thing that I know. You will learn each mistake I've made in an effort to help you avoid them. I'll share with you my proudest moments too, so that you'll be more likely to emulate the same moments in your own life. For the rest of both our lives we are a team. If we really put our heads together, I know we'll both be better because of it. But for now, you keep being fearless, and I'll keep being the sponge. I have soaked you up and soaked you up for eight months. I can't wait to see what you teach me next.
Happy Birthday Gray, and I love you,
Always love the letters. My prayer is that you will always be able to share how you feel with Graylon like this; like I do with you ! Love ya Mike.
What a sweet post! Can't believe he is 8 months already!
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