Saturday, March 28, 2009

Splish Splash

One week ago at this time, Heather and I were at the hospital. I was about to get cup of coffee number two and Heather epidural number one. The week that followed was the best of our lives. We have experienced overwhelming joy, pride, and astonishment along with fear, nervous tension, and sleeplessness. We got to see his first poop, pee, burp, cry, finger squeeze, and a million other firsts. We've been told to cherish these moments because he'll grow like a weed, and we are. We experienced another first last night as you will see in the video above. Heather and I gave him our first, and maybe his last, sponge bath. Because his umbilical cord is off, he can take a big boy bath soon. So we cherished our first sponge bath as Mommy and Daddy. We are living the dream!

Also, a shout out to Aunt Caryn...Happy 25th Birthday! I'm sure she is pumped to share her birthday with Gray's one week. Gray is lucky to have an aunt that loves him so much...actually he has 3 aunts that love him to little pieces. His uncles are all great too. He is loved that's for sure. Happy Happy Birthday Caryn.

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