Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Week 37 Ultrasound

We've looked forward to this doctor's appointment for a while. We had not seen Gray in about four months, so the week 37 ultrasound had been circled on our calendar for some time. The visit didn't disappoint either. We were thrilled to not only see him, but to see him head down, with a healthy-beating heart, and weighing in at approximately 6 lbs. 10 oz.! We had always heard that babies can gain an ounce a day, but Dr. Thompson said it varies with each baby from .25 to .50 lbs. a week. That means if he gains the full .50 lbs. each week and he goes to his due date he could weigh in at over 8 lbs. We both want him to come sooner, but he measured exactly to his due date from today's ultrasound. Dr. Thompson said that rarely do the two dates match up, so we'll have to wait and see when he actually comes. I'm sticking to my guns though...March 18(nine days early). Heather and I were both born on the 18th of the month, so I want Graylon to do the same. We've also determined the outfit he'll come home in. It's his mama's favorite color, green, and has multi-colored polka dots on it. We'll probably pack several different ones because he could be a variety of sizes and we've been experiencing a variety of weather patterns.

All seems well though, and we both gain excitement with each new day. It seems that we spend a little time every day in preparation for his arrival. We go to the doctor next Tuesday, so that'll probably be the date of the next post, so stay tuned. While you wait enjoy this video clip from today's doctor's visit. I've cropped the 10 minute clip into a 2 minute highlight reel(Highlight reel might make the video sound like it's a little more action packed than it really is, but we like it.).


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful miracle!