Our appointment was for 2:20 pm. Strangely, I kind of felt like I was betraying Gray a little by playing with him that morning and not being able to tell him what the day had in store for him. He was extra happy and totally oblivious that some random nurse would be giving him three shots in just a few short hours. I'm not one of those people that are frightened to death of needles, but I was unsure of Graylon's reaction. But flash-forward...as Gray took a bath that evening I made sure to tell him, "Son, you've over-achieved all day. Excellent job!"
We arrived to the doctor's office right at appointment time. They first needed to measure and weigh him. He tipped the scales at a very healthy 11 lbs. 10 oz. That's an increase of almost 4 and half pounds in two months. He then measured 23 inches in length, so he has grown 3 inches longer in the two months. Next, our doctor came in to answer any questions we might have and to go over a few tips for us for the next two months. We've been giving Gray a little tummy time thus far, but we are now going to be doing it up to five times a day for about five to ten minutes each time. Then, Dr. Aldridge said goodbye and in came the nurse.
He would be taking 3 shots by needle and one dose orally. The oral was taken first and Gray didn't seem to mind at all. Then the nurse prepared all three needles before any injection. What followed was a wild west style gun slingin' of vaccinations. She chained three shots very quickly while alternating thighs. One thigh got two shots, but once she was done only two Charlie Brown bandaids were needed. The cry that came out of our little man lasted less time than when he gets the dreaded lotion after a bath. The intensity, however, was a little more extreme. Mommy scooped him up, though, as fast as she could, and got him calmed down. He was a stud. He was soooooo over it in a minute or so. He actually said, "Hey lady, is that all you got?" I told him that taunting another person is never a good idea. On our way out the door we made our next appointment for the end of July where he'll get another check up and a few more shots.
Later on that night, Mommy had a booster club meeting, and I needed to get a few grocery items. That meant Gray got his first view of the inside of a grocery store. I put his car seat in the main part of the shopping cart since I was only getting a few things. He was wide eyed the entire time looking right at me with concern and wonder. He is quite the ladies man, as we were stopped twice by women who of course were marveled by "all that hair!" Later on we made it home safely, and he got some wonderful play time in with Mommy on camera. The footage is below. What an eventful day! Mommy and Daddy survived. Gray seemed to be completely unphased and proved to be rather unflappable. We are so thankful to him.
Extra side note: Today is the 4 year wedding anniversary for me and my girlfriend of 11 and half years, Heather. We are amazed at how fast time flies, but I am so thankful for her. I love my baby's mama so very much.
Look out paci, you have competition.
Playtime in the morning is the best way to wake up. I wanted to kiss him; he wanted to wrestle.
He used to just sit in his swing. He has now totally made friends with the lizards flying above his head. Look at that focus!
Graylon was smiling and shirtless just moments before his shots.
This is a little closer to "Go" time. Notice the game face now. He is such a gamer already! In the future he'll definitely sink a buzzer beater or hit a bottom of the ninth grand slam.