We've made it to St. George Island! None of our travel party have ever been here before, and most of us have already ranked it higher than Destin. It's very secluded, and our location is the best we've ever had in six years of our summer trips down here. We are 9 adults deep with 3 children until tomorrow night when Aunt Caryn and Uncle J arrive. Right now we've got Granna and Pop...Uncle Rick, Aunt Kelly, and Averie Raye...Jon, Ashley, and Henry...Grandma Sharon...and Heather, Gray and I. We're livin' the sweet life, and are praying for the slowest week of all time. Here are a few pictures we've taken so far. I'll holler back soon, but we ARE on vacation, and I'd rather be playing Monopoly at the moment.
Gray and Grandma Sharon at a pit stop on our way to the beach!
"Dad, I love the beach!"
Averie Raye and Graylon just chillllllllllin'.
Ashley on the blog! Ashley on the blog! Awww-some! Look at shiek Henry.
Graylon has always been our little waterbug. Ain't he adorable?
Granna with her little grandbaby. Gray had called her in advance to make sure they'd match.
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