Monday, August 3, 2009

This Weekend, Graylon was a Handful.

Last night was just like any other night at home getting Gray ready for his bath and I thought. While Mike got the little blue bathtub ready and was laying out Gray's pj's, I went to get Gray undressed on his changing table. I got a little surprise when I took off his diaper. Sure enough he had pooped. I got him cleaned off and picked him up and began walking out of his room toward the kitchen (where we put the little blue tub over the sink to bathe him). Good thing I had my hand under his bottom because I got a handful of POOP! I began semi-screaming but thought I held it together pretty well (no pun intended). After unloading my hand and cleaning Gray again, I headed to the tub for his bath. I put him in and right when I was about to start soaping up the washcloth, yes, he surprises me again...MORE POOP! He didn't care at all. He was just pooping and kicking his legs splashing. He was sooo happy. I let him finish, wrapped him in a towel, took him to the changing table, and cleaned him again while Mike ran water in our big bathtub for Gray and I to get in together. Afterwards, Mike took the little blue bathtub outside to spray it out and clean it up. I finally got Gray clean and ready for bed...whewwww. Needless to say, that was a first for all three of us.

Here are some pictures from yesterday. All of them are pre-poop. We had fun just hanging out.

Tummy time is sooo easy these days.

Every now and then, Gray's gotta rock the mohawk.

This is Gray's new Cubs hat. Thanks Granna and Pop!

Gray and Daddy were spitting rhymes. Gray was giving his sign of approval...thumbs up!

1 comment:

granna said...

Life can be full of surprises! Enjoy them all !