Friday, June 5, 2009

Father and Son Week...SWEET!

Hello again everyone. The week has been awesome. Graylon and his Daddy had a week of bonding, and fun, and games, and diapers, and learning, and bottles, and a bunch of other stuff. I have a new found respect for every stay at home parent I've ever known. The hard work was prevalent. The rewards were quickly reaped. And the experience was priceless. Heather and I have our hands full with Graylon right now, and all we want is to give him all the love and attention we can. But, we also talk about a second child somewhere down the road. I've thought this week about not having this with a future child, and I'm so lucky to have an opportunity like this that many dads I know did not get. He's getting so big, and Heather and I are hitting new phases in parenting. This week will forever make me slow down each day as much as I can when around my son. Although I can't wait to teach him stuff, and I can't wait to have a conversation with him, I need to enjoy the now. And I am. I love giving him a bath and feeding him bottles and all that comes with an infant.

The camera did not come out of its case much this week, so I apologize for just the few pictures. Let me remind you that, I'M ONLY ONE MAN...and, I'M DOING THE BEST I CAN! J/k...I love doing this blog; I've just had my hands full. You all understand ;)

I think the drooling phase is just around the corner. Right now, all we have are a few bubbles.

Tummy time is getting better. Stop staring at my son's butt!

1 comment:

granna said...

Love it....Granna