Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ahhh...These are the Days!

Graylon has really enjoyed himself during these two bonus maternity leave weeks for Mommy. Heather and I are pretty convinced that he's been growth spurtin' right in front of us. We'll get his latest measurements later this month on the 28th at his next doctor's visit, but in the meantime, we've been speculating. I think the kid is over 2 feet long and is pushing 13 lbs.!

Heather and I each have our own play time specialties with Gray. Heather usually calls dibs on all bath time privileges. Her and Gray have their own unique specialty songs and jokes. And I, on the other hand, have developed several games with Graylon that involve me sitting in the recliner with my feet up on the prop and my knees bent, with Gray inclined facing me. He lets you know when we amuse him, and for the most part, he seems happy day in and day out.

We are preparing for a trip to Dalton this weekend to witness the wedding of Heather's cousin Allen. We are really excited to get to show off our son, and we are looking forward to the visit. Until the next post, soak up the latest pictures and videos of Mr. Graylon Michael.

If my hands are in my mouth, I'm one happy boy.

Play time with Daddy means I get to squeeze his nose. He makes that face when I do it to make me laugh.

Don't mind that spit up on my mouth...I just got a little bit over-excited.

Even though my Aunt Caryn got me this outfit, everyone take a good look because Daddy told me that I won't be dressed in orange that often. I'm not really sure what a Volunteer is, but I don't think I like them.


The Lanes said...

I miss those little sweet coos! It goes by way too fast. Henry is a crawling machine and pulling up on everything. Once he figured it out, he has been going ever since. I wish we could just freeze time with our little guys and get every last drop of each second out of them without it flying by so fast. Miss you Gray! Let's get together soon! And by the way, I think Gray looks pretty cool in orange! What do you think that means?

Grandma Sharon said...

He is already saying "hey"....I knew my sweet baby was advanced! How precious. I can't wait to see him tonight...also want to see mommy and daddy too. Sorry guys, when Graylon came along, you guys take the back seat. lol

Granna said...

Gray looks great in any color...get over it! lol

Thanks for the new blog pictures - they are the bright spot of any day here at "the office". Have fun in D-town!

Anonymous said...

Kyleigh just loved watching him coo. It was like he was talking to her and she knew what he was saying! Too Sweet!
