Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mommy and Daddy are Here? I Love It!

Heather had went back to work early from her maternity leave, and she is taking her two remaining weeks now. Therefore, it is easier to make a blog post the day after the last one. Think of this frequency as the exception not the rule. Since everyone is pretty much up to speed on the events of Graylon's last few weeks, the purpose of this post is to show off some more pictures from the wedding, put up a video, and show any other pictures that I see fit. Enjoy.

Graylon cuttin' up on the couch.

Can you say early teenage years bribery?


Aunt Virginia is getting some much overdue Gray time.

A very helpful Grandma Sharon gladly watches over Graylon as pre-wedding stuff is going on.

Cousin Sara and Dan holding a very content Graylon.

3 generation pictures are so much fun. Pop Pop, Mommy and Gray @ the reception

Mommy and Daddy getting in a dance with Gray before he crashed and was out for the night.

1 comment:

Grandma Sharon said...

I love the video of Graylon talking. I think I heard him say "I love you Grandma Sharon".