Saturday, July 11, 2009

Strictly for Superstitious Purposes

Sorry everyone. I am selfishly using this blog as a forum to break the current funk that my Chicago Cubs are currently in. They have not played as we've all been made accustomed to over the past couple of seasons. This year's season is nearing the half way point, and if the Cubs don't turn it around soon, then the 2009 season (my son's 1st as a Cubs fan) will be a disappointment. So Graylon, Mommy, and I took this beautiful Saturday as a chance to do OUR part to break the bad streak. We made our own "Go Cubs Go" video. I thought I would share it here on the blog, but this video will only break the misfortunes if all you viewers believe it will. Once again, this video was not made for cuteness (Although it has the highest cuteness factor of any video ever to appear on the blog.) but for superstition. I hope you all enjoy it, and please, for Gray's sake, help cheer the Cubs to a great 2009 season! Go Cubs Go!

1 comment:

Grandma Sharon said...

He is the cutest little Cubs fan I have ever seen. I think you should send this one in to the ball club so they can play it on the big screen! Love it. Go Cubs Go.....don't disappoint us.